Internship Student Final Evaluation Activity in BPS Kupang City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kupang Municipality

Statistic Services of BPS Kota Kupang Jl Frans Seda Kayu Putih Oebobo. Monday - Friday from 08.00 AM until 15.30PM

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Internship Student Final Evaluation Activity in BPS Kupang City

Internship Student Final Evaluation Activity in BPS Kupang City

May 4, 2020 | Other Activities

Monday, May 4, 2020 a meeting was held with internship students with an agenda of activities in the form of material exposure from the Distribution Statistics Section and the Social Statistics Section.
The presentation of the material contains an outline summary of the activities carried out by each section. Students are given the opportunity to ask questions in order to know more clearly about the tasks and functions of each section in BPS. After the material session ended, the meeting was continued with the Head of BPS of Kupang City and the Head of the Sub-Division of Administration and the supervisor of internship students..
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Kupang (Statistics of Kupang Municipality) Jl. Frans Seda Kayu Putih Oebobo Kota Kupang

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