Statistic Services of BPS Kota Kupang Jl Frans Seda Kayu Putih
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Survei Ubinan Palawija SR
March 2, 2021 | BPS Activities
The harvest season has arrived. Today (2/3), the Kupang City BPS team started to conduct a survey of the palawija ubinan. Ubinan is a survey conducted by the BPS to obtain figures for the productivity of food plants. In addition, it is also used to obtain information such as land types, planting methods, planting systems, the number of seeds used, and seed varieties. This productivity figure is an important factor for calculating the production of food crops. The implementation period of the ubinan is divided into 3 subrounds, namely SR 1 (January-April), SR 2 (May-August) and SR 3 (September-December).