The declaration of the ZI (Integrity Zone) of BPS Kupang City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kupang Municipality

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The declaration of the ZI (Integrity Zone) of BPS Kupang City

The declaration of the ZI (Integrity Zone) of BPS Kupang City

May 26, 2020 | Other Activities

Last Tuesday, (26/05). Located in the BPS Hall Kupang City, as many as 5 (five) people consisting of officials from vertical and regional agencies in the scope of Kupang City witnessed the pledge of the Declaration of the ZI (Integrity Zone) of BPS Kupang City.

This event marked the commitment of BPS Kota Kupang to the title of the Corruption Free Area (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) satker. This was confirmed by Ramly, Head of BPS Kota Kupang. "The declaration of ZI is a necessity in this era of bureaucratic reform," he concluded.
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