Construction Price Survey for the 3rd Quarter of 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kupang Municipality

Statistic Services of BPS Kota Kupang Jl Frans Seda Kayu Putih Oebobo. Monday - Friday from 08.00 AM until 15.30PM

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Construction Price Survey for the 3rd Quarter of 2020

Construction Price Survey for the 3rd Quarter of 2020

August 5, 2020 | BPS Activities

On 20 July-5 August 2020, BPS Kota Kupang conducted a data collection for the Construction Expensive Price Survey (SHKK). This SHKK will later produce a Construction Expensive Index (IKK) which describes the level of construction cost of a district / city compared to a certain reference city. The IKK is useful as one of the main references in determining the General Allocation Fund for an area.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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