2020 Business Characteristics Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kupang Municipality

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2020 Business Characteristics Survey

2020 Business Characteristics Survey

October 14, 2020 | BPS Activities

The BCS (Business Characteristics Survey) is a survey that integrates a variety of information about the business world that was previously still captured by several types of surveys. BCS consists of surveys: P2TIK (business sector), Infocom (cinema) as well as science and technology and innovation. In general, this survey aims to obtain data and information on business characteristics which include general information on the company, workforce, business structure, financial information, innovation and information on the use of Information and Communication Technology.

BCS is an annual survey that has been conducted since 2019. For this year, the implementation will take place from the end of August - 31 October.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Kupang (Statistics of Kupang Municipality) Jl. Frans Seda Kayu Putih Oebobo Kota Kupang

Telp. (0380) 824432 Mailbox : bps5371@bps.go.id





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